Tuesday, November 13, 2007


So ladies...we love Trina Turk...the lady totally rules!

So I emailed her the other day and guess what? She emailed back...

My email to her....


The 2008 Holiday/Resort Collection is your best yet! Seriously, how do you do it? Absolutely amazing...I have wet my pants many times over the pieces (just kidding...can you imagine a 37 year old male wetting his pants every time a lady tries on the pieces in his store). But, do you get the visual?

Your business HAS to be insane from your solid following. A little store in Charlotte, NC loves you more than you know! Sloan rocks with your merchandise. You had us at hello. You complete us. You are just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her.

Well Trina...WE DO! AS do our customers!

Thank you again!

Her email back to me....

Hi Dan: Wow, your email is a nice one to receive in the midst of a busy
day! We are simultaneously working on summer and fall ’08….
How do we do it? Well, we stick to who we are as a brand, try not to
get too sidetracked by crazy fashion trends, plus-- I have a lot of great
people working here that help me to make it happen. Thanks for the
enthusiastic email and I hope our sell through lives up to it! best regards, Trina


Ok, I think we are BFF's now...what a fabulous lady!

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